Some farms allow visitors to hand-pick their own fresh fruits and vegetables. This helps farmers save on labor and shipping costs while offering consumers the freshest produce at lower prices.

A trip to a local U-Pick farm makes a fun family outing. You can enjoy fresh air and sunshine while choosing the best quality fruits and vegetables at the peak of ripeness. There are lots of benefits to picking your own. You’re reconnecting with nature, supporting your local economy, and getting to know your local farmers. A visit to a U-Pick farm is a great learning opportunity for kids. They experience firsthand where their food comes from and how it grows; and studies show they’ll be more likely to eat their fruits and vegetables if they have a hand in the harvest.

Dress comfortably for your trip to the farm. Bring a hat, sunscreen, and insect repellent, and wear sturdy shoes to protect your feet. Remember to bring your own containers for picking in case the farm does not provide them.